Al's Florist

Al's Florist

Posted by Vicky Rotunno on September 20, 2017 | Last Updated: December 21, 2022 Uncategorized

Boss’s Day Gifts & Flowers

boss's day

If you love where you work and have a great boss, you may want to put October 16 on your calendar, National Boss’s Day is set aside to let our supervisors, employers and bosses know that we appreciate all they do. While some do not have the luxury of having a great boss, you do – so let Al’s Florist help you to let them know that you think they are amazing.

It all began in 1958, when Patricia Bays Haroski of Chicago petitioned the government to institute a day to enhance employee/employer relationships. In 1962, Illinois governor Otto Kerner signed a declaration making National Boss’s Day official. If you have a boss that deserves some recognition, get together with your coworkers and plan a surprise for them. 
boss's day

Characteristics of a Great Boss: Experts tell us that although bosses have different styles and personalities, they do have common characteristics. For instance. great bosses are fully accountable and take responsibility for their employee’s mistakes. They also share credit for successes with their team. They encourage ongoing learning and create career paths for their people, and choose to highlight and exploit their team’s individual strengths. Successful bosses who garner their employees support are in charge not because of a title, but because they have earned respect by their actions.

It is estimated that adults spend one-third of their waking hours at the workplace. Having a great boss, therefore, can have a very positive influence on our happiness and fulfillment. If you are looking for an appropriate gift for the office, we have a couple of recommendations. Orchids are a wonderful choice for a corporate office or professional business, as they lend a sophisticated and elegant ambiance regardless of decor. Green plants are also an excellent option, as they are long lasting and easy maintenance. Your boss have a beautiful reminder for month’s to come that he or she is appreciated.

Owner, employer, supervisor, boss – whoever you report to, work is so much more fulfilling when they are excellent leaders. Let them know that you recognize their efforts, with a gift from Al’s Florist. We deliver throughout the Hollywood area.