Of the many occasions there are to give s, several stand out to us here at Al’s Florist. Think of the first time someone ever slipped a corsage onto your wrist, or the s your grandmother sent for your sweet sixteenth. The s you received when your first child was born, nestled on the windowsill of the hospital in a flood of sunlight. Often, s really mean something. They’re more than part of a symbolic gesture — they’re memories.
Everyone has a great memory, and if you’re lucky, you’ll have several. We think one of the most vivid memories you can create for a person through s is when you give them for no reason in particular, just as a thank you, just because you were thinking of them. These gifts tend to stick out in the memory because they, in fact, create the occasion, and not the reverse. For a moment like this, we love a bright, cheerful bouquet that conveys, above all else, happiness, like our For You Flowers.

Give these to a neighbor, a teacher, a mentor, and you’ll see how much s can matter, especially when there’s no specific occasion that requires them.