What’s the advantage of a designer’s choice bouquet? Al’s Florist can give you a list of reasons, but at the top there’s the fact that whatever you have us design, there will be nothing else like it. That uniqueness is what you’re really buying, and on Valentine’s Day, being unique is everything. When you allow us to custom design an arrangement for your loved one at a set price point, our skilled designers embrace the invitation to be creative.
You can provide us with some details, or let us work up a standout piece for your special someone on our own. Either way, we’ll be utilizing s that we love and know intimately well, and crafting something that your recipient hasn’t ever seen before. Chic & Blush will give you a little taste of what we mean.

Chic & Blush
You can see how our designer really considered shape in this piece, as well as color and texture. Flowers seem to spring from one another, bubbling upward and fanning out in this whimsically sweet arrangement. The piece feels modern because of its sculptural nature, but there’s a delicacy here as well. When you put the responsibility for creation in our designer’s hands, you call upon years and years of experience working with florals, as well as the kind of imagination that only someone who has worked extensively with them has. Consider having us design your special someone something really special this Valentine’s Day.