Beautiful Day Bouquet
Beautiful Day Bouquet
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Pink roses, alstroemeria, raspberry sinuate statice, and lavender carnations are delivered in a lavender-glass Teleflora cube vase.
Approximately 10" (W) x 10" (H)
The "Beautiful Day Bouquet" from Al's Florist & Gifts in Hollywood, FL, is a delightful and vibrant celebration of color and texture, perfectly encapsulated within a charming lavender glass Teleflora cube vase. This exquisite arrangement captures the essence of joy and beauty, making it an ideal gift for various occasions from birthdays and anniversaries to "just because" moments. Featuring a harmonious blend of pink roses and alstroemeria, the bouquet exudes a soft, romantic feel. The roses offer a classic symbol of grace and affection, while the alstroemeria, also known as Peruvian lilies, bring depth and a touch of exotic flair with their striped petals. Adding to the texture and color contrast, raspberry sinuata statice and lavender carnations are interspersed throughout the arrangement. The statice, with its fine, misty appearance, provides a delicate filler that enhances the bouquet’s density and visual interest.
Each element is thoughtfully arranged to create a balanced and appealing display. The lavender glass vase not only complements the floral hues but also adds an element of sophistication and modern style. Measuring approximately 10 inches in width and height, this bouquet is perfectly sized for display on a desk, coffee table, or bedside, bringing floral beauty to any setting. The "Beautiful Day Bouquet" from Al's Florist & Gifts will brighten anyone's day with its fresh, vibrant presence and stunning craftsmanship.