Al's Florist

Al's Florist

Posted by Vicky Rotunno on January 29, 2018 Uncategorized

Planning Ahead For Valentine’s Day

One of the best ways to win at Valentine’s Day is to plan ahead. And that starts with making sure you know exactly who you’ll be getting gifts for, and in particular, gifts. Since there’s such a high demand – sales of s absolutely explodes for florists during this holiday – you’ll want to get your ducks in a row to ensure that you don’t miss out. At Al’s Florist, we have lots of arrangements, not just of the long-stemmed variety, to meet all of your needs.

One of our favorite arrangements (an admittedly less traditional choice) for Valentine’s Day is our True Love bouquet. We have red and pink roses here, so the message of love is clear. But it’s the sheer variety of other romantic blooms that gives this piece its character. It reads as a V-Day bouquet, but is having a lot more fun than the standard stemmy one.

We hope you’ll consider us for your Valentine’s Day needs, because this is one day that we recognize belongs to everyone, not just the lovers out there. Our customers buy for their kids, their parents and their best friends, so we understand that we have to have a variety of arrangements on hand to meet your floral needs.